After logging in, click the "Post a Product" link in the header and submit the product's URL, name, and tagline. Each post should include the:
- Product Name
- Product URL - Direct link to the product page
- Tagline - Very short description of the product (make it catchy!)
- Long Description - Give bit more details about the product
- Product Type - Website, App, Digital products, books, etc
- Maker - Select maker flag if you maker of the product, else unselect.
- Exclusive and Promotion flag - select / unslect appropriate boxes
If the product hasn't been online before, it will be queued up for review.
Note: Not every post will surface on the homepage as hundreds of products are submitted each day and curated by the community.
Mint Launch is for launch, discovery and sharing of new and interesting products, it is not suitable for blogs, news articles, events, etc.
Sure thing!
We encourage people to submit launched and live products that are available to play with immediately;
however, some pre-launch, crowdfunded or private beta submission is acceptable if it provides thorough information about the product (e.g. explainer video, product feature walkthrough
That said, we may remove pre-launch submissions and recommend founders to wait until their product has launched before submitting.
Only if the product updates are substantial, i.e. launch of a mobile app or complete product redesign with new functionality, to be considered for resubmission.
Every day, new products are submitted and upvoted by the community, ranked by the number of upvotes, time since submission, and other factors.
Log in with your personal Twitter/FB account under your name, and shoot us a tweet or msg thru FB, so that we can list you as maker and you can join the conversation.
Once you're in, feel free to briefly introduce yourself in the comments.
Please don't. People should upvote things they genuinely like or find interesting, not because they were peer pressured to do so. Feel free to spread the word and bring friends into the discussion, but asking or incentivizing people to upvote may trigger the algorithm to drop the product in the ranks or remove it from the front page entirely.
Founders and makers of the product often join the conversation, answering questions and sharing their story. These people are highlighted with a fancy, green "M" badge.
If your product was featured on Mint Launch or if you're writing an article about our little piece of the internet, we have vertical and horizontal logos and logo marks in orange, dark gray, and light gray
Hyperlink here
Feel free to reach us by email at [email protected]
or on Twitter @mintlaunch
We have just launched web app now and working hard to get it right for now, and soon will start work on Android and iOS App.
For your reading pleasure, review our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service
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